US Colleges Admission Statistics

For the academic year 2022-2023, 70,352,096 students have applied and among them 40,825,856 were admitted to US colleges. 9,707,544 students were finally enrolled into one of accepted schools.

The following table and chart illustrates the number of applicant, admitted, and enrolled students for US colleges.

Applicants, Admitted, and Enrolled (2022-2023)
US Colleges
Total70,352,096 40,825,8569,707,544
Public Schools39,966,371 25,360,1926,503,209
4 Years (Or High)39,790,992 25,231,3746,442,036
2-4 Years156,051 117,98653,213
Less Than 2 Years19,328 10,8327,960
Private Schools30,385,725 15,465,6643,204,335
4 Years (Or High)30,226,340 15,347,5883,146,622
2-4 Years140,614 102,84747,034
Less Than 2 Years18,771 15,22910,679
[CHART#1] Applicants, Admitted, and Enrolled for US Colleges

58.03% Acceptance Rate

The average acceptance rate of US colleges is 58.03% in academic year 2022-2023. Public schools' average acceptance rate was 63.45% and the average rate of private schools was 50.90%. The following table and chart illustrates the average acceptance rate for US colleges with comparable factors.

58.03% Acceptance Rate (2022-2023)
US Colleges
Acceptance Rate
All Schools Average58.03%
Public Schools63.45%
4 Years (Or High)63.41%
2-4 Years75.61%
Less Than 2 Years56.04%
Private Schools50.90%
4 Years (Or High)50.78%
2-4 Years73.14%
Less Than 2 Years81.13%
[CHART#2] 58.03% Acceptance Rate for US Colleges

23.78% Yield

The average yield, also know as enrollment rate, of US colleges was 23.78% in academic year 2022-2023. Public schools' average admission yield was 25.64% and the average rate of private schools was 20.72%. The admission yield is a rate of number of enrolled students over number of students who are allowed to admit. The following table and chart illustrates the average admission yield for US colleges with comparable factors.

23.78% Yield (2022-2023)
US Colleges
Admission Yield
All Schools Average23.78%
Public Schools25.64%
4 Years (Or High)25.53%
2-4 Years45.10%
Less Than 2 Years73.49%
Private Schools20.72%
4 Years (Or High)20.50%
2-4 Years45.73%
Less Than 2 Years70.12%
[CHART#3] 23.78% Yield for US Colleges

1,169 SAT Score

The average SAT score of US colleges is 1,169 for the academic year 2022-2023. In public schools, the average SAT score is 1,132 and private schools' average SAT score is 1,194. The following table shows SAT average scores with percentile by subject and school type/level for the academic year 2022-2023.

1,169 SAT Score (2022-2023)
US Colleges
TotalEvidence-based Reading and WritingMath
All Schools
(4-years colleges)
25 th pctl.1067538529
50 th pctl.1169588581
75 th pctl.1271638632
Public colleges 25 th pctl.1027518509
50 th pctl.1132570562
75 th pctl.1238623615
Private colleges 25 th pctl.1094551543
50 th pctl.1194600594
75 th pctl.1294649645