How to Write a Letter to Be Reconsidered for a Job

When you get turned down for a job, it can be both painful and disappointing, particularly if you feel you were an ideal candidate. There may, however, be fixable issues behind why you weren't selected. If you find yourself in this situation but still feel there's room to maneuver, a carefully crafted and persuasive letter may get you another shot at the brass ring. Keep in mind, you'll have to act quickly for this approach to work.

Find Out Why You Were Passed Over

The key to writing an effective reconsideration letter is to find out why you were passed over for the job. If your rejection letter doesn't specify the reason, place a call to or email the hiring manager or human resource representative who facilitated your interview and ask for honest feedback. Example:

I was very sorry to hear I wasn't selected for this position. Would you be kind enough to tell me where I fell short or what the deciding factors were that precluded me from consideration?

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Express Disappointment

Start your letter with a heartfelt message about your disappointment in not being selected for the job. This is where you can highlight the things that attracted you to the position, what you like about the company and what you were most looking forward to in the role. Example:

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I was very disappointed to learn I wasn't the candidate selected for this position. Based on the job description and my two interviews, I felt I was a good fit for your corporate culture, and I was very much looking forward to the opportunity to be involved in your upcoming rebranding campaign.

State Your Case

Based on the feedback about why you weren't selected, address the issue head-on and clarify or discredit the matter. Examples:

Susan explained that you didn't feel I had enough experience to take on a leadership role. While I haven't managed a team in the past, I've been a project manager for more than five years, and as you'll see in the attached letters of recommendation, previous employers felt I was highly effective in organizing and carrying out high-level group initiatives.

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Your letter indicated your concern that I'm overqualified for the position and wouldn't be happy in a nonmanagerial role. I'd like to assure you that I'm attracted to this position because of the creative workplace dynamic and the company's stellar reputation in the industry. I'd be quite fulfilled working as part of a cohesive team, and holding a manager title isn't of great importance.

Make the Ask

Once you've made your case for why you're the ideal candidate for the role, it's time to make the ask for reconsideration. Keep in mind that the job may have already been extended to another party, so your request should give the company a bit of latitude should they change their mind about you. Example:

I'd greatly appreciate your reconsideration of my application for this position. I feel I'd be an asset to the team, and I'd find it professionally gratifying to work with such an amazingly talented group of individuals. If this role has already been filled, please keep my resume on hand in the event the candidate selected turns out not to be a solid fit.

Advertisement Article continues below this ad You may also use your correspondence to ask for a similar role in the company. Example:

If there are other positions in the organization you think I might be qualified for, please keep me in mind, as I'd very much like to be part of this organization.

Regardless of whether you get a second shot at the job, maintain cordial relations and a professional attitude. The more graciously you accept the final decision, the greater the potential for you to be considered again in the future.
